Know ayurveda

Know ayurveda

Body balance

Ayurveda has taken the approach of computing bodily substances in the outline of the five TRADITIONAL foundations, namely: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Moreover, Ayurveda names seven basic tissues (dhatu). They are plasma (rasa), blood (rakta), muscles (maṃsa), fat (meda), bone (asthi), marrow (majja), and semen (shukra).

The ancient Indian medical science with proven effects

‘Ayurveda’ is an effective structure of traditional medicine cultivated, developed and nurtured in ancient India. Lord Dhanvantri is known as god of Ayurveda. The old Ayurveda books are ‘Charak Samhita’ and ‘Shushrut Samhita’. For centuries, ayurvedic herbs and medicines have provided numerous remedies to cure chronic ailments and diseases. Its properties and effects are now well documented in the western scientific world as well.

The 'Doshas'
Three elemental substances

Ayurveda gives us a detailed analysis on the balance of the three elemental substances or ‘DOSHAS’ namely Vata, Pitta and Kaphat. Balance means health while imbalance means disease. Through the early studies of these doshas , it was found that they contribute significantly towards a person’s temperament and characteristics. Every human being possesses these three doshas and hence the equilibrium is maintained by modulation in their behaviour and environment. Through this way the rise or fall of the doshas are examined and henceforth, the disequilibrium in doshas lead to ill health.